Tuesday, November 3, 2020

How I prepared my body to complete my accidental marathon, Part I - Fat Adaptation

If you haven't read my earlier post about how I completed a marathon I didn't know I was going to run, please do that first so that you have the background on how it came about, and understand why what I'm going to share today is so impactful.

So I completed a marathon the other day (I won't say I 'ran' a marathon, because much of it was at a walk, but I did complete the distance).  At 63 yrs old and still overweight (for now), with various injuries under my belt and at risk for more, completing even a half-marathon was only a dream.  

In recent years I'd been running off and on, sometimes doing between 3-6 mi almost daily at a slow run, but never really improving in speed, and it didn't help with weight loss.  They say you can't outrun a bad diet, and I'm here to tell you that is the absolute truth.  You could run a marathon every week, but if you suck in the nutrition department, you won't realize much benefit from it.

I don't know where it first started, but in following some running and general fitness blogs and podcasts, I landed on the term fat adapted, which in general means re-training your body to burn fat while exercising, and not to rely on carbs for energy. You've likely heard about carb-loading before a race (the traditional spaghetti supper the night before), and most people carry gels and/or carb-laden snacks for fuel during a race.  Until a few weeks ago, I was one of those people.  But the problem with relying on carbs for fuel is that your body will burn those up quickly and need refueling often if you're going any distance at all.  If you keep replenishing carbs as you burn them, guess what?  You never get into fat-burning mode, and if weight loss is your goal, you're probably not going to see much for positive results.  So you probably tell yourself you need to work longer and harder, and since you're still adding the wrong type of fuel, the cycle continues.  Sure, you're burning more calories, but only those you just added when you scarfed down that energy bar.

I've been pre-diabetic/insulin resistant for years, and a sugar/carb addict (yes, it IS a thing).  I've never been able to go a couple of hours without eating something, and the thought of working out before breakfast, or without at least some sort of bar or snack seemed unattainable to me.  Running on an empty stomach?  I'd never make it around the block!

But you know what?  Our bodies are amazing works of creation!  We're adaptable, and with minimal effort, they can be trained to do all sorts of things we didn't think we could do.  And honestly, I don't think we were originally designed to have to eat something every few hours, or require sugar for energy to carry us through a race.  Did our ancestors carry energy gels or Honey Stingers in the pockets of their leggings to get through a day's work plowing the fields, or stalking prey for hours to bring home dinner?

Hardly.  They ate real food, and I seriously doubt it was every few hours or full of carbs.  I could go on about this for pages, but I'll limit this post to just share what I've been doing, and point you to some good information from the experts out there. (I am not a medical professional in any capacity, nor do I have formal training in nutrition or fitness.  I just follow some professional, very knowledgeable people, and am living proof of the benefits of what they preach).

My usual routine of late is to have cup of black tea when I get up, then do a one or two mile walk (if barefoot), occasionally 2-3 miles at either a fast walk or walk/slow run (if wearing shoes). I'm an early riser, so all that takes place well before sunup at this time of year (and yes, I'm wearing appropriate safety gear).  When I get back home, I'll wait an hour and often two before fixing breakfast, which usually consists of a smoothie and a hard boiled egg.  (See what I put in my smoothie here).  My body has adapted to this just fine, and I haven't yet felt the urge to eat something before heading out the door.  Even if you don't work out every morning, you can still enjoy some of the benefits of fat adaptation by delaying your first meal and encouraging your body to be fueled by your fat reserves.

How this helped me get through my unplanned marathon 

I'd been following this morning routine for just a couple of months, and because I had been going such short distances (intentionally ... again, a topic for another post), I wasn't sure what I might need to carry me through whatever distance I ended up doing Saturday morning.  I had eaten a light dinner earlier than usual the night before (chicken vegetable soup with a homemade bone broth base, no rice or noodles, and a small bowl of salad greens), so when it was decided that a couple of us were going to be up very early to help a friend with his virtual marathon, I figured I'd better pad that a little, so I drank a small smoothie before bed.  I had peeled two hard boiled eggs to have ready for Saturday morning pre-run, but only ate one of them about 4:30am.  I loaded my camelbak with a small amount of water, and tucked a snack-sized baggie of mixed nuts, and a couple individual packets of trail mix (with the little M&M-like candies) between the bladder and case and called it good.  Oh, and I found a Honey Stinger Waffle in there from a previous run months ago! 

We set off Saturday morning around 6am or so,  and I didn't take in anything until I think around the 17-18 mi mark, which was hours later because we were going so slow.  I ate a handful of nuts then only because my legs started to cramp and I wasn't sure of the cause, because I'd never pushed my body that far and experienced that before.  The weather was perfect and I never did break a sweat since we were going so slow, so I don't know if I was lacking sodium, but whatever the reason, the nuts apparently helped, because that cramping sensation went away shortly afterwards. I never felt tired or that I couldn't finish because I'd run out of gas at any point during the 26.2 mi.  I was on my feet for probably 12 hrs before all was said and done, and still wasn't hungry!

Read that paragraph again.  An overweight, senior, pre-diabetic woman who has been prone to carb binges (and I mean REAL binges) for decades, completed 26.2 mi and a total of 12 hours on her feet on just a hard boiled egg pre-run, and a handful of mixed nuts halfway through, and never felt hungry or felt any loss of energy.  Meanwhile, my partners in crime had snacks at several intervals ... energy bars, granola bars, gummy bears, energy gels, etc.  I'm not bashing or shaming them; they gave their bodies what they needed, and it worked for them.

By working on the fat-adaptive approach recently, I had been training my body for this event without even knowing it. If my experience that day isn't testimony of what eating right and teaching your body to use proper fuel can do for you, I don't know what else would.

Now for acknowledgements - my biggest influence while following the fat-adaptive regimen has been Dr. Mark Cucuzzella - Physician, Professor of Medicine at WV University School of Medicine, Air Force reserve Lieutenant Colonel, owner of Two Rivers Treads, author of Run for Your Life, Executive Director of the Natural Running Center, race director, and competitive runner for over 35 years with 24 marathons completed in under 2:40.  (None of these are affiliate links; I'm not compensated in any way for sharing them).

In addition to the above, you can find a vast amount of nutrition, running, and general health information by searching Dr. Mark's name to find articles, blog posts, and podcasts where he has been a guest contributor.  Warning ... there are a lot of them, but all worth a read/listen. 

That's Part I of what got me through my first marathon experience.  Stay tuned for further installments on how good nutrition, and footwear (or lack thereof) made it all possible.

~ Marie Anne

Monday, November 2, 2020

Unplanned debut marathon

So, Saturday I did a thing.  Totally unplanned, totally unprepared, but totally amazing.

I completed a 26.2 mi marathon.

Yep.  At 63 yrs old, overweight, with osteoporosis and at risk for fracture, a propensity for injury (both from overuse and plain ol' clumsiness), pre-diabetes, very high cholesterol, moderate arterial blockage, and never having done even a half-marathon distance before (even walking), I completed a marathon.  Oh, and I did it fueled only by a hard-boiled egg a couple hours before start, a handful of mixed nuts at about halfway, wearing $15 Walmart shoes with almost zero padding and support (and I even took out the insoles), and working on about 4 hours sleep. (Much more on the 'whys' of the nutrition and footwear another time).

So just how did this all come about?  Let me tell you the story ...

A few of us from Team RWB were going to get together to do a couple mile walk/slow run Saturday morning.  A fellow team member mentioned the night before that he might see us on the trail somewhere as he would be doing his virtual Marine Corps Marathon along that route.  He had been doing a half-marathon just about every weekend up until last year (sometimes a full marathon), but the whole COVID thing set him back (emotionally as well as physically), he had put on a few pounds, and hadn't been out and done ANYTHING since March.  Oh, and he had no crew along his route to support and check on him - he was flying solo.

Ummm, no.  Carrie (our Team Captain) and I decided that wasn't acceptable, so at 10pm Fri evening we agreed to meet up with him at zero-dark-thirty to at least start him off and maybe take turns doing a couple miles with him. Again, no real plan, we were flying by the seat of our pants.  I met her at the main gate on Camp Lejeune at 0545 where I left my car, and we drove to the designated starting point in town to meet up with Mac and help him do this thing.  Another member, Terri, jumped in and said she'd crew for us, and planned on driving to various points with snacks and water available should we need them.  (She also had the traditional motivational Eye of the Tiger blasting as we went by each station. She rocks!).  Terri had run the Marine Corps Marathon 50K (just over 31 mi) virtually the previous weekend, alone.  (Yes, she's a bad-a$$!).

Headlamps in place, Mac rucking 20+ lbs and carrying Old Glory, Carrie with the Team RWB banner, off we went.   I hadn't been doing more than a mile or two at a time for months, mostly at a walk barefoot, so the basic plan was that I'd stay with Carrie and Mac to the main gate (just over 6 miles), where I'd get my car and drive to the next stop, and maybe jump in with him there for a couple miles, and Carrie could drive my car to the next stop, and we'd leapfrog. Well I got to the gate and decided that as slow as we were going, I could definitely do more.  Terri was available to pick me up if needed, so I felt confident in continuing.

After a couple more miles, I decided that since we were so close, I'd at least stick with it to the halfway point so that I could scratch the half-marathon off my bucket list.  I guess 13.1 mi wasn't enough, so since Mac had slowed down even more, I waved Terri off and we kept going, sometimes at a walk, sometimes a slow trot.  We got back to the main gate (18ish mi) and Carrie needed to leave for other commitments, so Terri drove her back to the start to get her car.  That left me and Mac, and there was no way I was leaving him alone out there, so I shrugged my shoulders and we set off again.  

Mac has a number of previous injuries from his time on active duty, including nerve damage, so because he hadn't been training at all for months, and was carrying some extra poundage, he was hurting pretty bad.  The last 6 mi or so were seemingly at a crawl, and the muscles in my legs were tight and starting to seize up, so for a couple of miles I trotted loops back and forth around him, just to stretch a bit while still keeping him in sight.  I relieved him of Old Glory during that time, doing a hand-off later to allow him to finish with flag waving. 

We did it.  Super-slow and much of it at a walk, in well over the cutoff had we done the in-person event, but we did it (there is no time limit on the virtual).  Could I have done it faster had I not stayed with Mac those last few miles?  I'm sure, but this was his day, his marathon, so it never entered my mind to leave him and do my own thing for a better finish time. 

Neither of us could have done it without Carrie along for support, and of course our super-crew, Terri, cheering us on and providing fuel at numerous points along the route.  They are both active duty Marines who are spread pretty thin already, and they willingly gave up their Saturday to help fellow Marines get 'er done.  (I think there's something wrong with  my eyes right now; they seem to be leaking for some reason).  And I wouldn't have even been out there at all had it not been for Mac's determination to complete his 8th consecutive Marine Corps Marathon.

It's a Marine thing, and also what Team RWB is all about.

So there you have it.  I crossed something off my bucket list that wasn't even ON my bucket list.  

Could I have done it (without feeling hungry or needing fuel for energy) without having made the nutritional changes I've made the last few months?  Nope. 

Could I have done it without injury had I not been doing the barefoot/minimalist footwear thing I've been working on the last few months?  Nope.  

I made those changes, not in preparation for any race (much less a marathon!), but for me.  The fact that they allowed me to go a distance that I never in my wildest dreams thought possible is a testament that you can make changes at any age that will allow you to do great things, and feel great doing them. 

~ Marie Anne

 (Part I of how I unknowingly trained my body for this event here).

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Breaking out and trying new things

Thursday morning at MA's house started off with black tea, a 1.6 mi barefoot walk, then my usual smoothie (I forgot my hard boiled egg ... oops!).

I mentioned in an earlier post that I bought a mini air fryer and that I was loving it so far.  This morning I picked up a couple of chicken breasts (with rib meat and skin on) and threw one in the fryer to fix for lunch.  I just added a little seasoning (no breading or oil) and let 'er rip.  It came out amazing!  I ate several bites of it as soon as it cooled enough, and just threw the other one in the fryer and will use it and the rest of the first one for homemade chicken soup (after I eat that yummy, crunchy skin) .  I'm fixing a small salad to round out lunch.

I don't put noodles or potatoes in my soup (those carbs, ya know?), but onion, broccoli, cauliflower, and maybe a small amount of carrots usually make it into the pot, along with the chicken, my own bone broth, and some Better Than Bouillon. As I was cruising the produce aisle this morning trying to think of something different I could add, the bok choy spoke to me.  Mind you, I've never cooked or even tasted bok choy in all of my 63 years (not knowingly, anyway), but I thought it looked pretty, so into the cart it went.  As soon as I'm done typing this post, some of it will be chopped up and added to the soup, which is already simmering for tonight's dinner.  I've got some pretty red, orange, and green peppers to brighten it up too.  I'm making a good sized pot, so it will carry me through several more meals.

I need to get out and rake leaves, but it's windy today, so I might wait until more of them have fallen and just do it once.  Maybe I'll get to them tomorrow since it's an off day as I'm meeting a couple of Team RWB comrades Saturday morning for a walk/ruck/run/whatever, and I don't know how far we'll end up going.  I'm learning that taking a break and not working out every day is better for me, and probably you too, and I'll expound on that another time.

So what will I fill up the rest of my Thursday with?  An exciting load of laundry, and likely TV and crochet.  

I hope your day is blessed!

~ Marie Anne

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hump day ramblings, and tip of the day

Happy Hump Day! The day of the week hasn't really mattered for me for a good while since I'm retired, and I'm sure some of you who are out of work or working from home due to the COVID thing can relate, but I needed an opening, so there you have it.

Today's fun started off with a 3.2 mi slow run after my morning cup of black tea but before breakfast, keeping an eye on my heart rate (more on that in another post).  I wasn't shooting for any speed records, but although I had been walking/running anywhere from 3-6 mi almost daily, I've changed things up lately (more on that later too) and haven't run even 3 mi in a while so wanted to take it easy today.

After settling in for a few minutes, I blended a smoothie for breakfast, out of:
  • Couple of ounces of almond and coconut milk (no added sugar)
  • Few shakes of ground ginger and cinnamon
  • About 3/4 scoop of vanilla protein powder
  • Small handful of mixed salad greens
  • Chunk of zucchini, avocado, and cauliflower
  • A few frozen blueberries and strawberries
I got my fruits and veggies, (good) fat (from the avocado), and some of the protein there, and had a hard boiled egg for more protein, and to have just a little something to chew.  That's pretty much my standard breakfast on most days, although I do change it up once in a while.

Once the intense fog burned off, it turned out to be a beautifully sunny day, so I hitched up the dogs and got another half mile walk in, this time barefoot (that's one of those things I figured some of you might freak out about, but I promise, it's a good thing, and I'll relate more about that later too).

Lunch was a plain hamburger from grass-fed ground beef, cooked in my new mini air fryer along with some frozen mixed veggies, with a pat of butter (from grass-fed dairy cows).   There's not enough fat in that small amount of butter, so a small handful of mixed nuts rounded that out.  I'm not sure yet what dinner will be, but will likely include some of the remaining beef.

If I expounded on all of the 'why I'm doing this' things in this post, it would be pages and pages long, so I'm being considerate and making a list of topics for future posts.  I've added a half dozen things just while typing this one, so now to make sure I follow through.  I guess if you want to know the background on some of the oddball things I'm undertaking, you'll have to keep reading this blog.  😀

Now I'm enjoying a mug of green tea, and contemplating what to do with the rest of my day, which will probably include TV and a crochet hook at some point, and maybe just a little light weights to work on arms.

Tip of the Day:  

I eat a lot of mixed salad greens, and usually buy the large plastic containers of whatever is in season.  I find that, even though I pick through them to find the one with the latest date, some of the greens still get soggy and icky even after the first day.  Every time I use some, I shake the container to try to aerate it a little better, but had an a-ha moment the other day and decided to store it upside down.  Each time I use it now, I shake it a bit and alternate between putting it upside down and right side up.  So far, so good!

What good things are you doing for a better you today?

~ Marie Anne

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Reviving, reevaluating, and moving forward

Yes, I've been a bad girl and let this blog die out yet again.  I've also been scarce on social media and since that's so out of character for me, some friends have been wondering if everything's ok.  Yep, it is!  

I've had a couple things pop up health-wise (some old, some new) that had me reevaluate the crappy lifestyle choices that sent me down that path, so I'm once again on a journey to better overall health through proper nutrition and healthier fitness activities suitable for my age and current weight.  I'm happy to report that in just a few weeks I've already experienced a number of very positive effects from those changes, and I'm excited to continue on the journey to be the best ME that I can be!

So instead of posting inane nonsense on Facebook all day (Full disclosure:  I have been playing Farmville, but that's going away at the end of the year, so I'm allowing myself that guilty pleasure for now), I've been devouring books and blog posts, and listening to several good podcasts ... all of which I'll be sharing with you here.  Some of the things I'm doing might seem laughable as they're not exactly conventional, but hey, they work for me, and if I can't make any converts, at least I will have entertained you (and those who see me out on the road), and I'll still take that as a win.

So what positives do I have to report so far?

  • 12 lb weight loss since late June (taking it slow and easy, the right way)
  • BP is back within normal limits (wasn't extremely high, but still not good)
  • Much better sleep, both quality and quantity (NO episodes of insomnia for months!)
  • Better balance and coordination (nope, I haven't tripped over my own feet!)
  • General overall feeling of wellness

I've been pre-diabetic for years with an HBA1C of 6.2 - 6.4, and my total cholesterol level is always very high (often over 300), so I'm anxious to see what my next round of labs reveal.

No, I'm not selling supplements or snake oil, just eating good food and eliminating the junk, and not overdoing it in the exercise department.  I am taking a few supplements, but no crazy fad diet stuff, and nothing that I'll be peddling for financial gain.  Any books, podcasts, or supplements that I mention will be just to share as a part of the overall better me, not for promotional purposes.  (In the off chance that I do become an affiliate of something down the road, it will be fully disclosed, and I still won't promote it just for what I might get out of it).

My goal is to post at least several times a week, even if it's just to mention what physical activities I undertook that day and how I felt, and any positive progress to report.  I hope you'll follow along on my journey, and maybe learn a little something along the way.

~ Marie Anne

Thursday, April 2, 2020

B is for Boredom Busters

Being bored while working out is nothing new, but with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing around the world, it's likely that you're finding yourself even more bored than usual because of the restrictions you're living under.  So how to combat that?  Let's see if I can help.

Gym closed?  
  • You can still get out and walk or run (in most areas), as long as you follow your required social distancing protocols.  
  • You can modify your gym routine at home, even without expensive equipment (things like resistance bands, medicine balls, hand weights, jump rope, and of course the devil's sidewalk - the dreadmill).  I've shared some tips on this post of things you might have around the house to use as weights.  Get creative!
Monotony of the treadmill make you nuts?
  • Watch TV.  I have my treadmill set up in the garage, and put a TV out there to keep me from going crazy.  I have a Roku device as well as a Hulu subscription, so there's always something to watch, even if I don't have that TV hooked up to cable.  Isn't streaming TV one of the greatest inventions ever?  
  • Podcasts are my new friend, and they can be yours too.  I've looked at several different podcast services and the one I found the easiest to maneuver around is Stitcher.  You can search for topics you like and save them as favorites, and never run out of things to listen to.  I listen more when I'm walking/running outside than I do on the treadmill, but if you don't have access to a TV where your treadmill is, it's a great option.
  • Listen to audio books.  Reading while on the treadmill can be a bit difficult (although I've done it!), so audio books offer a good alternative that is less likely to trip you up.  There are a number of different apps/subscriptions you can access, and your local library might even offer a good selection for you to take advantage of.  Let your mind wander with a timeless classic, or learn a new language.  The options are limitless.
Same scenery too boring?
  • If walking around your neighborhood has become mundane, research what trails you can find within a short drive, or venture further out and make a day of it.  Pack a picnic lunch and tailgate if parks are closed.  Again, be sure to stay within the restrictions imposed in your area.
  • It's not always about training for a race or competition, so include the family more often.  Kids can ride their bikes if you're running, or just take a family walk instead.  Make a list of appropriate things you might find where you're walking and have a scavenger hunt.  Bring chalk and leave your mark and share good tidings and encouragement to others who might come along after you.  Even better, make a hopscotch diagram to encourage others to get moving too.
Restrictions suck, but don't use the Corona virus pandemic as an excuse to be lazy.  Being active is even more important for your mental health now.  Get up and get moving!

~ Marie Anne

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A is for Achievements, and Achievement!

A large part of today's population has jumped on the fitness-tracker craze in attempt to get healthier, and it seems everyone has something strapped to their wrist that tracks their steps, among other things. Striving to achieve that step goal every day is getting people off the couch and more conscious of how increased activity can have many benefits - weight loss, lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and high blood pressure among them.  For me, the biggest benefit to walking and running is mental health.

Do you have a Fitbit, Garmin, or other tracking device that counts your daily steps?  Apps like MapMyRun/Walk/Fitness?  MyFitnessPal?  Strava?  Did you know that you can get paid to use them? 

I've been a member of Achievement for a couple of years and have cashed out several times.  It's a no-brainer.  You simply sign up, choose which step tracker you want it to grab data from, and the system does the rest.  You don't have to log in every day to do anything at all, you just sign up and forget about it (unless you want to check your points occasionally, and then of course you have to request to cash out when you have earned enough points to do so).

You get points for your daily steps, and additional points for tracking your exercise.  You even get points if you weigh yourself.  Have you ever been paid to sleep?  If your Fitbit or other device tracks it, you get points for sleeping too!

Achievement isn't going to make you rich.  Even as active as I am, it takes me several months to cash out $10, but it's basically free money.  You honestly don't have to do another thing once you've added your tracking device to sync with Achievement.

Click on any of the links above to get 100 points just for signing up today (I'll get 100 point bonus too), and let me know if you need help setting up your account. 

You're tracking your steps every day anyway; why not let someone hand you some cash to do it?

~ Marie Anne

Friday, March 27, 2020

Pandemic + Challenges + Stubborn Marine = Mission Accomplished

So, the other day I did a thing.

With all the race cancellations from the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of organizations are turning to virtual races, and the Marine Corps 17.75k originally scheduled for 28 March 2020 was one of them.  Those who had already registered for the race have the option to defer their registration until next year's race, transfer it to another upcoming race in the area, or run it virtually.  In addition to the in-person-race-turned-virtual, the race coordinators opened up another strictly virtual run that's open to  anyone.

So what's a 62-year-old retired Marine who

- is overweight
- is pre-diabetic
- has high cholesterol
- has bad knees
- is still suffering from injuries to two parts of her right foot
- did a face-plant four months ago and still experiences minor issues from the concussion
- had a post-run heart rate situation a month ago that resulted in a possible cardiac incident

do?  She signs up to run that virtual 17.75k, of course!  Had to represent Team RWB.  😀

Oh, have I mentioned I've never run that far before, or even walked 11 miles at one time?

The significance of the 17.75k distance is to honor the Marine Corps' birth in a Philadelphia tavern on 10 November 1775.  Birthdays are a big thing to Marines, and always celebrated in a big way.  How could a retired MSgt not jump at the chance to earn a finisher's medal and t-shirt?

So, that's the 'thing' I did.

Honestly, the morning I set out to do it, I hadn't convinced myself that that would be 'the' day to attempt the mission.  I figured I'd go out and see how I felt, walking that first 3/4 mi or so to get off the potential toe-snagging sidewalk and across a main thoroughfare into the quiet subdivision with smooth asphalt roads.  Once there, I eased into a jog and settled into a slow pace that felt comfortable, and just went with it.  I started out later in the morning than I usually do, and since I was probably going to be out there for a couple of hours and the temp was expected to rise, I made sure to wear my CamelBak for hydration, and tucked a snack into the case as well.

Since I was attempting something that would no doubt be taxing for me, I opted not to go to a halfway point and turn around, but instead just trotted up and down the same several block area so that I would never be more than a mile or so from home (and within a half mile from the library so I could take a potty break if needed.  I should have, but didn't).  My heart rate was pretty steady in the 140s, so I was comfortable shooting for the 11.03 mile that I needed.

I started to feel a bit rough around mile 9.  The temp was indeed rising, and by mile 10, my heart rate had pushed into a dangerous zone for me, so I had to dial it back.  I didn't change my gait, but even though I could have crawled faster than I was trotting at that point, it was a mind thing.  After making it that far, I wasn't going to NOT finish.

And finish I did.  It wasn't fast, but I got 'er done.

I'm not advocating that anyone take risks with their health, and had I really felt I was in danger, I would have stopped and made a phone call. I constantly check my heart rate when I'm working out, and I made sure that I was never more than a few blocks away from a couple of friends who could come to my rescue.  I always have a whistle attached to me somewhere, and was running in a large housing area where someone would surely see or hear me if I called out or blew an SOS.

My heart rate was a little weird when I finished, but not nearly as bad as it had been the previous time I had concerns. 💓 It did drop down to a moderate level in a reasonable time frame, but each time I got up and walked even a few paces, it would start to spike again (not to a dangerous level, but definitely higher than it should have been). I have no doubt that it wouldn't have been a problem if I'd slowed down earlier and even walked for a bit so as not to exceed my sweet spot. Exceeding max HR for any length of time isn't smart at any age since it can cause damage to the heart, and since there's no glory in that, lesson learned.

Completing a half-marathon is still on my bucket list, 13.1 miles.  Based on recent experiences, I doubt I'd be able to run the whole thing no matter how slow, but since I proved I could do 11.03 miles, I'm pretty sure I could go the slightly longer distance by sticking to intervals, or even walking the whole way.  I don't know if I'll sign up for an official race, but I do plan to go the distance, maybe with a friend or two along for company after quarantine and social distancing are no longer the plan of the day.  😷

Never quit.

~ Marie Anne

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Runs cancelled during COVID-19 pandemic, virtuals popping up everywhere

With the threat of the Corona virus still looming over us and quarantines and social distancing becoming our new normal, getting in a workout is a bit of a challenge for many.  Going to the gym isn't an option, but hitting the streets for a walk or run is still possible for most people.

With races all over the world being cancelled, many race directors are either rescheduling, offering a deferred entry for next year's race, or giving the entrant the option to run it virtually.  There are even separate virtual runs popping up everywhere with crazy-cool medals for entrants.  There are plenty of sites that offer virtual race swag, and a favorite is Run Motivators, where you can get in on some action with the Potty Paper Race 5K.  Yes, the medal looks like a roll of toilet paper running down the road.  There's even an option to order up to 4 charms to hang on the larger medal, so that's five chances for you to challenge yourself and wear that virtual potty paper around your neck  proudly (I'm still running most every morning, so of course I ordered all the charms too).

Gone for a Run also has some pretty awesome medals up for grabs, and check out Peak Virtual Races if you'd like to take it a step further and support a charity with your efforts.  There are plenty of other virtual races that are as near as your keyboard, so do a quick search and see what piques your interest.

Don't have the money to sign up for the virtual medals with the fancy swag?  Come up with your own! If you usually run with friends or a running club, pick a theme for your own virtual race.  Cut up some cardboard or card stock and get creative with markers and stickers to make a medal, and don't forget race bibs!  Take it a step further and encourage dressing up to fit your theme, and have a contest for the best costume, most creative medal, etc., instead of  just awards for fastest pace.  Everyone can win!

Being stuck in quarantine doesn't necessarily mean stuck inside, so just be careful to follow social distancing and other protocols during the pandemic, and get out there and move.  I am.

~ Marie Anne

Sunday, February 9, 2020

2020 Running/Walking/Fitness Challenges - Run the Year 2020

So ... I've mentioned a couple of challenges in passing, and probably should share some of the details.

The first challenge I signed up for this year was the Run the Year 2020 Challenge hosted by Run the Edge.  The goal is to run (or walk, or other equivalent activity) 2,020 miles in the year 2020.  Because of past/current and the potential for future injuries, the majority of my miles will be accumulated by walking.  There are few rules, and you can choose to count all of your daily steps, or just your intentional workout miles.  You can also join a team with up to four other participants.

I signed up for the whole package with some great swag!  It included a t-shirt, finisher's medal, challenge coin, a couple of stickers, and a cool chart where you color in a spot for each mile.  You can sync your Fitbit or sport watch tracker, and also add or edit your mileage manually, and the site tracks all of your stats.

I get a good chunk of steps in daily by dedicated walking around the house, but it's often not enough to bother starting my watch to track it.  Since those really are additional steps, I'm counting all of my daily Fitbit steps towards the main goal of 2,020 miles by December 31 (an average of 5.5 daily miles ... easy peasy, and I'm already well ahead of the game), but I'm also keeping track of my intentional workout miles to see just how far I can go with that (I'm pushing for at least 1,500 miles, which would be an average of just over 4 miles per day, and I've banked some extra there already too).

Another participant gifted me her coloring chart and I'm using that to visually track my dedicated workout miles.

There is a Facebook group for the main RTY2020 challenge, as well as groups for individual demographics such as walkers, marathoners, those doing it for weight loss, etc, and also one for each state so you could even meet up with others in your area if you crave more than virtual motivation.  It's fun and encouraging to interact with and support other crazy like-minded  people who are taking this journey with you.

In additional to the main challenge, you can also sign up for six additional streaker challenges throughout the year, and I'll cover those in another blog post.

RTY2020 might have been the first challenge to spark my interest this year, but it seems to have started a fire.  Follow along to hear about the rest of the goals I'm striving to meet with other challenges.

~ Marie Anne

Are you doing any challenges this year?  Tell me about them!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Treadmill/TV Obsession, and Opening a Cold Case Marathon

Had a great time with a fellow Eagle from my local Team RWB chapter at 7am this morning, where we chattered like magpies as we pumped out a 6.34 mile hike on the Cedar Point Tideland Trail, part of Croatan National Forest (we usually do that once a month).  As if that wasn't enough, I popped onto the treadmill shortly after 4pm and logged another 3 miles.  Is it a bad thing that I might be slightly obsessed with the treadmill/TV relationship in my garage?

Today's treadmill boredom-breaker was Season 1, Episode 3 of Cold Case on the Roku Channel.  I
used to enjoy watching it, but haven't seen it on regular TV in several years (it ran on CBS for seven seasons, from 2003-2010, but I watched it later on ION, I think it was).  I happened upon it by chance on Roku the other day, so quickly added it to my playlist and watched the first two shows.  Even with commercial breaks (which are much less frequent that regular TV), each episode lasts about 45 minutes, but I can stretch it long enough to get a 3-mile walk in.

I find it fascinating how they can reopen a homicide case and follow a trail that went cold from decades ago, and Kathryn Morris is phenomenal as the lead character, Detective Lilly Rush.  There is a good chemistry between her and the rest of the cast, too (Danny Pino, who later played on Law & Order, SVU, will show up shortly).

One of the reasons I like this show is that they're often solving homicides from the 60s and 70s, and it's fun seeing the clothes and cars and such from back in my day, and of course hearing some hit songs from that era being played as background music is a nice bonus.

Is there a show that you used to like to watch that isn't on anymore?  If you have a Roku device or one of the new Roku TVs, make sure to check that channel as there are a lot of good shows right there without having to pay to subscribe to Hulu or one of the other services.

~ Marie Anne

Treadmill Motivation, Movie Review of Turtles & Hares

I've still been walking outside most mornings, but will sometimes jump on the treadmill for a second walk (or slow trot) later in the day.  I didn't think that having the TV in the garage would make that much of a difference in my activity level since the treadmill is boring and I prefer to be outside, but surprisingly, it's turning out to be a very good incentive.

Normally when I watch TV in the living room, I have to be doing something else at the same time ... crocheting, working crossword puzzles - something. I don't know how to not multi-task.  While the post-concussion symptoms are getting somewhat better, I still can't crochet for more than a couple of minutes at a time, and when working a crossword puzzle, moving my eyes back and forth from the page with the clues to the puzzle itself is especially hurtful and sends me into a tailspin.  Since I can't do much of that, walking while watching a movie is a good alternative.

I mentioned before that I've been adding movies to my watch list so I'll always have something at the ready when I climb aboard the 'mill.  My pick for the other day was Turtles & Hares, free to watch on Amazon Prime Video. It wasn't a very long movie, just under an hour, so was perfect to get 3 miles or so in at a walk.

Turtles & Hares is about Team Carrie, a group of people in Ireland who are training for the Dublin Marathon.  Coached by David Carrie, this little town of less than 2,000 residents now has almost half that amount who have completed the full 26.2 miles over the last couple of years.  What an incredible feat!

It's not a Hollywood blockbuster for sure, but for a basic documentary that chronicles the weeks of training to get complete non-running men and women of all ages across the finish line of a marathon, I'll give it a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.  The Irish Brogues can be a bit challenging to understand sometimes over the noise of the treadmill, but it wasn't difficult to follow along.  I probably wouldn't watch it again, but it filled up an hour's time for a second workout where I didn't want to commit to a full-length movie so it served its purpose.

Do you have a favorite movie or show you like to watch while on the treadmill?  Please share!

~ Marie Anne

So far today:

6.34 mi hike w/Team RWB friend at semi-local state park

Challenge tallies to date:

Taji 100:  42.82 miles
RTY2020 dedicated activity:  146.7 miles
RTY2020 total steps:  274.12 miles
Amerithon:  274.12 miles

Yesterday's Fitbit stats:

15,182 steps
6.79 miles

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Taji 100, Local Support, New Boredom Breaker While Walking

I've signed up for several virtual challenges lately, and the one near and dear to me is the Taji 100.  Army Captain Carole DiPardo started it in 2010, challenging troops in Iraq to run 100 miles during the month of February.  That challenge continues today, and it's open to everyone.

I can't run right now, but did sign up to get my 100 miles this month by walking, or crawling if I have to (given my penchant for injuries anymore, that's not outside of the realm of possibility!).  As of the end of the day today, February 5, I have logged over 27 miles, so I'm on track to get my 100 miles and then some (barring injury).  I'm only counting dedicated walking miles, nor all of my steps, as with other challenges.

Yesterday I walked a full 10K (6.2 miles), and today I started out with 4 miles.  There was a slight mist in the air, but not enough to get me wet, which was a good thing because I hadn't grabbed any rain gear before venturing out.  About 2 miles or so in, a car passing me in the same direction slowed down, and a woman rolled down her window and hollered at me to 'keep it up!'.  It was misting just enough for windshield wipers on a low delay setting, so she was likely encouraging me for being out there in less than perfect weather.  The big smile on her face and thumb's up made my day, and who knows, maybe it'll encourage her to get out and do something good for herself too.

I often listen to music or sermons while out and about, but I've decided not to take my headphones with me all the time, and just pay attention to what's out there.  I have very good hearing, and I realized the other day that the light tinkling sound I sometimes hear when out walking is the same sound as my Ring doorbell security device.  My new boredom breaker is to keep an eye out for Ring doorbells and when I spot one, turn towards it with a smile and a wave.  Maybe I'll make someone else's day.

Not long after I got home, my new TV was delivered.  I had taken advantage of the pre-Super Bowl sales and bought a new one so that my old one could go in the garage where my treadmill is.  After I had everything set up, I decided to hit the 'mill and walk for a bit, and ended up with an additional 3.35 miles while watching a short movie.  Oh, that's another thing ... I'm looking for motivational movies or instructional videos that have to do with walking/running/fitness in general, and will be reviewing those here also.  I'll make another short post later about the movie I watched today.  If you have any favorites, please let me know in the comments.

More to follow soon, so make sure to like my Facebook page so you'll see updates (Staying Fit in My 60s), and subscribe to this blog so that you don't miss anything.

 ~ Marie Anne

Challenge tallies to date:

Taji 100:  27.81 miles
RTY2020 dedicated activity:  210.68 miles
RTY2020 total steps:  251.53 miles
Amerithon:  251.53 miles

Today's Fitbit stats:

22,401 steps
10.42 miles

Kicking Things Off Again

Although I've been staying pretty active, I've obviously not been doing a very good job of that on this blog as it's been about 10 months since my last post.  Since I miss writing and don't really have anywhere else left to write (except Facebook posts), this will be it.  Some posts will (hopefully) be informational, but many will probably be just to chronicle my daily activities, as well as keep an accurate timeline/account of several health issues I'm still dealing with.  Lots has happened in the last year or two!

That said, I'm ready to kick it in gear!

~ Marie Anne