Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hump day ramblings, and tip of the day

Happy Hump Day! The day of the week hasn't really mattered for me for a good while since I'm retired, and I'm sure some of you who are out of work or working from home due to the COVID thing can relate, but I needed an opening, so there you have it.

Today's fun started off with a 3.2 mi slow run after my morning cup of black tea but before breakfast, keeping an eye on my heart rate (more on that in another post).  I wasn't shooting for any speed records, but although I had been walking/running anywhere from 3-6 mi almost daily, I've changed things up lately (more on that later too) and haven't run even 3 mi in a while so wanted to take it easy today.

After settling in for a few minutes, I blended a smoothie for breakfast, out of:
  • Couple of ounces of almond and coconut milk (no added sugar)
  • Few shakes of ground ginger and cinnamon
  • About 3/4 scoop of vanilla protein powder
  • Small handful of mixed salad greens
  • Chunk of zucchini, avocado, and cauliflower
  • A few frozen blueberries and strawberries
I got my fruits and veggies, (good) fat (from the avocado), and some of the protein there, and had a hard boiled egg for more protein, and to have just a little something to chew.  That's pretty much my standard breakfast on most days, although I do change it up once in a while.

Once the intense fog burned off, it turned out to be a beautifully sunny day, so I hitched up the dogs and got another half mile walk in, this time barefoot (that's one of those things I figured some of you might freak out about, but I promise, it's a good thing, and I'll relate more about that later too).

Lunch was a plain hamburger from grass-fed ground beef, cooked in my new mini air fryer along with some frozen mixed veggies, with a pat of butter (from grass-fed dairy cows).   There's not enough fat in that small amount of butter, so a small handful of mixed nuts rounded that out.  I'm not sure yet what dinner will be, but will likely include some of the remaining beef.

If I expounded on all of the 'why I'm doing this' things in this post, it would be pages and pages long, so I'm being considerate and making a list of topics for future posts.  I've added a half dozen things just while typing this one, so now to make sure I follow through.  I guess if you want to know the background on some of the oddball things I'm undertaking, you'll have to keep reading this blog.  😀

Now I'm enjoying a mug of green tea, and contemplating what to do with the rest of my day, which will probably include TV and a crochet hook at some point, and maybe just a little light weights to work on arms.

Tip of the Day:  

I eat a lot of mixed salad greens, and usually buy the large plastic containers of whatever is in season.  I find that, even though I pick through them to find the one with the latest date, some of the greens still get soggy and icky even after the first day.  Every time I use some, I shake the container to try to aerate it a little better, but had an a-ha moment the other day and decided to store it upside down.  Each time I use it now, I shake it a bit and alternate between putting it upside down and right side up.  So far, so good!

What good things are you doing for a better you today?

~ Marie Anne

1 comment:

  1. I just invested in Tupperware Fridge Mates. People swear by them! I'll let you know if I see it lasts longer.


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