Thursday, May 10, 2018

Do You Waste Money Throwing Vegetables Away?

Spoiled vegetables tossed in the trash - I know I don't have the market on this wasteful behavior.  I have the best of intentions when I go to the grocery store and buy vegetables, yet often still end up throwing some away ... and I'm ashamed to admit that sometimes more gets tossed than eaten.  What a waste!

I'm getting better, though.  One thing that really helps me is to cut up the vegetables when I get home so they're handy to throw into a meal or grab a quick snack.  It only takes a minute or two, and I have a really big glass bowl with lid that will hold a whole head of chopped cauliflower and bunch of broccoli crowns.
I often make a 2-egg omelet of sorts for breakfast, and it's easy to grab a hunk of cauliflower and broccoli to chop into smaller pieces and scatter over the eggs as they cook, usually adding a chopped mushroom and bit of shredded cheddar cheese.  Yum!   The chopped vegetables also make it easier to toss into a stir-fry dish, making a healthy, tasty meal in minutes if you have pre-cooked chicken or beef on hand.

Watching TV and craving something crunchy?  Your bowl of chopped veggies will be sitting there, all ready and waiting.  Drizzle a little salad dressing over a small bowl of vegetables, or fix an easy dip with sour cream and herbs and spices.  It's a healthy way to get your crunch on without the carbs and processed junk in chips, pretzels, or popcorn.

If things are a bit crazy when you get home with the groceries, at least try to get the vegetables cut up before you go to bed that night.  Do it often enough and it will become a habit - a healthy one that you won't mind your kids picking up.

~ Marie Anne

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